Where are your eyes fixed?

If you take your eyes off the ball you lose the game. If you take your eyes off Jesus you lose life’s battles. In order to play well you have to concentrate on the ball and take into account all the factors at play – the personalities you are playing, the environment you are playing in and your own strengths. In life when we fix our eyes on Jesus it helps us rationalise and act in a way that is appropriate to each situation. The question is what do you and I fix our eyes on? Is it our bank balance? Is it our position? Is it people we know? Is it our material possessions? Is it our education? Is it our hobbies or sports? None of these is wrong but let us put Jesus in the centre of all these things. When we focus on him these things do not consume us but bless us and others.

Peace in the whirlwind

I had a picture when I was praying recently of a whirlwind and in the whirlwind were people and houses. The whirlwind was fast and destructive but in the centre of the whirlwind in the place I identified as prayer there was peace and sanctuary from the storm even as it continued. Then I saw that as people prayed other people in the whirlwind also came into a place of peace and refuge and they were built into a tower a place of safety.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land” (NIV).

As Christians we have not always spoken up for the oppressed or supported the poor. As a nation we have consumed and now we are being consumed by debt, addiction, suspicion and fear, and as we have pursued the material others have pursued us. I feel like I have been asleep and am waking up to a reality that I could have challenged and spoken up earlier as I have been part of the problem and I need God to help me be part of the solution. Father have mercy for I have sinned. The sin of ommision is indeed great. You gave me gifts and I have not spoken. I have been quiet. I have hidden my light under a bushel for fear of rejection. I have chosen the road of comfort and not rocking the boat. I have chosen to remain silent rather than speak up for what I believe in even when this is ridiculed and challenged. I have been challenged to get out of my religious ghetto and serve people in my community as the opportunity arises. To move amongst the crowd not in fear but in love. To listen to their stories as well as sharing my own. New beginnings but trusting God and leaning not on my own understanding, acknowledging him for it is him that directs my path.

In the last year my household has experienced redundancy, illness and other shakings. Yet God has helped us and is helping us through this storm. The Lord is indeed a strong tower. The righteous run in and they are safe.

Getting the picture

When I wander around an art gallery I can observe works of art held in their frames kept in a building on a wall to be viewed as and when I decide for as long as I want. Sometimes I can treat God like this when I come into his presence and focus on him whilst I am in the church building for the time of the church service or in a house group or prayer meeting. But… there is so much more….If I believe he is at work everywhere in the everyday ordinary and extraordinary there is so much more to discover about life, about God, about others and the dynamic of being a christian in the world in service for him. Help me Lord get the picture. Help me live and move in you fixing my eyes on you each day.

The God I know

The God I know is in the sighs of the losers, the cries of anguish, the stress of the bank balance. The God I know is in the steps of the dejected, the rejected, the no hopers. The God I know is in stillness of inactivity. The God I know is in my home, my heart, my life. The God I know is in the transformation, the redirection, the practical solutions. The God I know is in creative inspiration. The God I know is there at the moment of redundancy. The God I know is in family support. The God I know is there in the surge of love and strength that comes in spite of everything. The God I know is in my itinerary guiding me to save not lose money. To buy wisely and to not waste. The God I know is in the clothes on my body and the food in my stomach. The God I know never leaves or forsakes me. The God I know is with all who suffer because he suffered on a cross. The God I know is with those who are misunderstood because he too was misunderstood, rejected and ridiculed. The God I know is with the heartbroken. The God I know is with those who are in prison. The God I know is with the persecuted. The God I know is with those who have addictions. The God I know forgives me when I make mistakes. The God I know is Immanuel – God with us.

Living Hope

God is longing for a people who have hearts full of compassion, full of love, full to the point that they cannot stand and watch whilst people lose hope. Help us overflow with the hope we have in Jesus. Help us not hold in the hope we have. Help us from keeping it inside our churches. Help us live our hope in word and deed. Help us build each other up and unite in Jesus. Help us fight for righteousness. Help us lay down our weapons against each other and seek God’s face so that his plans and purposes can prevail. For it is not by might, not by power but by his Spirit.

Look to God

Look not to win man’s approval. Look to win God’s approval. Look not for a comfortable life. Look for a compassionate life. Look not for complexity. Look for simple truths. Look not for battle but for roads to peace. Look to Jesus in all things and a way will be made.

Nugget of wisdom

To get a nugget you have to place all the dirt in the pan and shake it. So it is with God’s purposes. All the muck and filth that clings and is so prevalent in life has to be shaken and show up for what it is, unattractive, harmful and destructive. Once a person comes and owns these things and then seeks cleansing and forgiveness that which is left is the precious ore of a heart submitted and on fire for God can be clearly seen. Then that ore can be fashioned into the vessel that God has ordained. Some ordinary, some extraordinary, but each of value. As you let go and recognise those things that cause you to stumble and not go forward, as you give these things to Jesus he will transform and renew.

What is in your hand?

Over the last year the words “what is in your hand?” have challenged me time and time again. It is so easy to get despondent when we look around us and wonder what we can possibly do? The need is so great. And yet if we give God all that we are, our time, our gifts, our family, our brokenness, our illness somehow he transforms and does more than we can ask or imagine. I often wonder what it must have been like to rebuild the wall in Nehemiah’s time. Are our hearts sad like Nehemiah’s was? Are we willing to work with others side by side, shoulder to shoulder? Only then can the walls be rebuilt. God commands a blessing when we dwell in unity. Are we willing to rebuild or are we waiting for others to do it for us? Politicians, Church Leaders, Parents, Children, Friends, Volunteers, Businesses…. Do we stand and watch? Getting bitter, getting fearful, and getting judgemental? Or do we prayerfully give God all that we are and ask Him to help us build up our families, our communities and our nation. Do we release all that we are into His service? That God would help us get better not bitter. That He would cast out all fear and that He would help us let go of judgement. We must not despise the day of small things. Jesus took the bread and the small fish off the disciples and He gave thanks before distributing them. God multiplied what was in their hand. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8 NIV). Show us Lord what is in our hands and help us to give these things to you that you would use them for your glory. Amen.

Self service ministry

Some people treat ministry like a self service meal. They get their tray and then they pick and choose what they want on their plate. When they get to the till they find there is not much on their plate. They tell God what they can or can’t do. If they just stopped at each choice and asked God what he wanted then their plate would be overflowing. God promises us abundant life. Sometimes we dictate what is on our plate and then moan about it. And yet his abundance is there if we seek his face. He opens up possibilities and gives us boldness to do things. He opens up doors than no man can shut. But he never forces us to do anything. It is only as we are available and open to his spirit, willing to go for him that the dynamics change. It is no longer a self service meal. But it is a meal that not only feeds us but meets the needs of those we live amongst. I guess the question is how many times do I limit what God can do in my life by my agenda and my comfort zones. Some of the greatest blessings I have experienced have been when I have gone outside my comfort zone and done or said something which I may initially not have done if I had not prayed about it or felt a prompting in my heart. Next time you grab a tray and life presents you with choices be open to try new things as well as the familar favourites. God can and does enlarge the place of our tent if we are open to his spirit.