Taking the masks off

I always find the end of the year and the beginning of the New Year a time to reflect and look back over what has happened and to look forward to what is to come. If I am honest last year was tough and I am not sure what this year will bring.

Quite often at the start of the year people will ask you what is your New Years resolution? I have an unusual one this year. It is to take my mask off. You may ask me what do you mean? Masks are worn for many reasons. Whatever the reason for wearing a mask the true identity of the person is concealed. And this is the crux of it. Identity.

When I was a child I was very shy and I remember going on holiday and finding it hard to approach other children to get to know them. I would quite often hide and watch from a distance. It would sometimes take me days to get the confidence to go over and introduce myself. I had a fear that I would be rejected. It acted as a barrier to friendship and fun until I was able to climb over it and demolish the lie.

Knowing our worth is key to our identity. Being confident and sure in our identity helps us overcome negativity and our fears. The worlds definition of worth is often measured in success, money, fame, beauty and power. It is not surprising that it is easy to feel that we have not made it and have little worth. Quite often people will party with us but when things are tough they are not there to be seen. We may even talk down others to elevate our worth. Or get in with the in crowd but actually at what cost to us and them? What is it we have to do to belong? What is it we have to become? When we get desperate to be accepted the voice of caution in us can so easily be silenced.

It is fascinating to discover that the the word hypocrite comes from the Greek word hypokrites which means “a stage player” or “actor”. This meaning was extended to refer to any person who was wearing a mask of pretence hiding who they really were. Today we use the word hypocrite to describe someone who contradicts what they say or believe by their actions or non actions.

People can have a public image which is good but behind the scenes their behaviours and action may be the opposite. In Luke 12:2-3 it warns us to not think that we will never be found out. It says “there is nothing concealed that will be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed form the roofs.” NIV If we really believed this we would be careful what we said about people. There is no such thing as harmless gossip. It harms the person who speaks it and the person who hears it as well as the person who is being spoken about.

In Luke 12:6-7 it says “are not five sparrows sold for pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” What a promise every hair of our head. God cares about ever aspect of who we are. He loves us and we are beautiful to him.

Sometimes we may feel ugly because of things we have done or things done to us but God delights in us. As we come to him he can help us with the issues that hold us back and make us feel this way. It may be that we need to ask for his forgiveness. It may be that we need to ask him to bring healing into the pain from the past or present. God has plans to give us a hope and a future. He is the anchor in the storm. The light in the darkness. Our advocate. Our peace. He believes in us when we have lost belief in ourselves.

So this year I want more of the light of the word of God to come into the dark places of my mind and heart to bring transformation. I want the love of Jesus to help overcome the fear that has so often held me back. I want more of who I am in Jesus to be seen by others. To not cower and hide but to be confident in my identity. That I am loved. That I have value. That I have worth. That I have gifts. That I have a voice. And a purpose…

And I believe as I share more of who I am then others will want to share more of who they are…