What is beneath your feet?

As a teenager I visited San Francisco. I was on a pier when a significant earthquake started. I remember coke cans rattling and people running screaming. It was scary. Under my feet was water and I must admit I felt vulnerable. I would have preferred solid ground. I wondered if the pier would collapse. If I am honest I have felt vulnerable at different times in my life. It has been like walking on egg shells. It has been messy and there have been things that have happened that I have not liked and people have on occasion reacted in ways I had not expected. Sometimes I have had choices how to respond. Sometimes I have not. The thing that has kept me through the egg shell moments has been my faith. Knowing that Jesus is there with me through any storm. His love and grace, his forgiveness and wisdom. We can stand on many things in this world but ultimately the one thing that will not fail us is the love of God.

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