Who do you trust?

If I am honest with you it has felt like a tug of war going on in our nation as the arguments to and for brexit have been put across. The issue has divided so many. There is passion and conviction on both sides of the argument. My question in this post is “who do you trust? … whatever the outcome. The whole process of brexit has in my opinion undermined further the nations trust in politics and politicians. And even our trust in our media as it has been noticeably silent at times…. And then very vocal on other occasions… In Proverbs 3:5-6 we read “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (NKJV)

Man or woman may let us down but God will never let us down. We may let ourselves down but God is there for all who call upon His name. The message of the cross is often seen as foolishness and yet many will testify that trusting in Jesus has been life changing and a constant through the ups and downs of life. I leave you the question “who do you trust?”