I haven’t caught anything… Being willing… The God who watches us… Am I listening?…

Jesus is standing by the Lake of Gennesaret with the people who are crowding round him to listen to the word of God. And yet Jesus saw two boats that had been left by the water’s edge with fishermen washing their nets. He gets into one of the boats and asks to be put out a little from the shore and he taught the people from the boat. But when he had finished speaking he says to Simon “put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answers “we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. BUT because you say so. I will let down the nets. The nets are let down and the nets are filled to overflowing and they have to signal to the other boat to come and help bring in the catch and they were so full that they began to sink. At this Simon falls on his knees and says “Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man!” Jesus replies. “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”

I guess sometimes it seems that others are able to crowd around and listen to the word of God but we have responsibilites that prevent us from doing so. In this case the fishermen were sorting their nets after not catching anything. They must have felt disheartened and yet Jesus got into their boat. Came into their space onto the vessel where they caught nothing and he taught in that place so they could hear to. They have an encounter with him and he is involved in what matters to them. He gets to the heart of the issue and says let down your nets and Simon explains they have caught nothing but obeys because Jesus asks. And this time the nets are filled.

At the moment I am seeking work and it means that I have to take time to do this contacting people, writing applications and seeking jobs. I don’t get to some things I used to go to. And yet I have found that whether I am employed or unemployed Jesus gets into my boat, into my situation and teaches me in that place of discouragement. As I learn from the bible and pray then I am enabled to take small steps that are bringing something good out of the challenges. As we recognise God in this enabling and transformation and in the people that speak wise counsel and support us in our journey God sends us out as we are in the context we are in to share his love.

Being willing

In Luke 5:13 Jesus was willing to heal the leper. For a number of years I have supported the Leprosy Mission and think they do an amazing work bringing healing and hope to people who have leprosy. People who have been rejected and outcast are embraced and valued. To me this is the heart of the Christian message that Jesus cares for everyone and that he meets them where they are at with the challenges they have. For those who believe in him this should move us into acts of service for people we come into contact with. Am I willing to listen, willing to encourage, willing to offer hospitality, willing to give food, willing to go to the ends of the earth?

The God who watches us

Do you ever feel you are being watched? In Luke 6 the disciples began to pick some ears of corn, rub them in their hands and eat the grain and the Pharisees asked “why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath”? Jesus reminds them of how David and his companions had entered the house of God and took the consecrated bread and ate it with his companions. Then Jesus says “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”. Then follows another account of how Jesus was teaching in a synagogue and how he healed a man whose right hand was shrivelled. Again the pharisees were watching. Jesus knew their thinking and heals the man in front of them asking them “which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it”? Instead of rejoicing that this man’s hand had been healed they went away to discuss what they might do to Jesus. It is reassuring that the God who watches us neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is not there to acuse but desires to bring his healing, hope and forgiveness

Am I listening?

In our kitchen we have a radio. My husband likes to listen to radio four and I to another radio channel. Sometimes when I am focused on a task I don’t always hear. Jesus says in Luke 6:27 “I say to you who are listening, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who are cruel to you…”. Am I tuned into what God teaches in the bible or do I take the bits I like and ignore the bits that I don’t find easy or am I too distracted to hear? Do I listen at certain points of the day and then live a different way the rest? If I truley listen to what Jesus taught it will impact the way I relate to others and how I deal with persecution and troubles that come my way. It is not that I become a doormat or let myself be hurt. I need to guard my heart as it is the wellspring of life. It may not be easy and God is with us as we wrestle with challenging relationships and circumstances. And yet if we pray and seek his face we find that peace that passes all understanding. When others are unkind he will never leave us or forsake us. His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. The question is am I listening?

Where are your eyes fixed?

If you take your eyes off the ball you lose the game. If you take your eyes off Jesus you lose life’s battles. In order to play well you have to concentrate on the ball and take into account all the factors at play – the personalities you are playing, the environment you are playing in and your own strengths. In life when we fix our eyes on Jesus it helps us rationalise and act in a way that is appropriate to each situation. The question is what do you and I fix our eyes on? Is it our bank balance? Is it our position? Is it people we know? Is it our material possessions? Is it our education? Is it our hobbies or sports? None of these is wrong but let us put Jesus in the centre of all these things. When we focus on him these things do not consume us but bless us and others.

Peace in the whirlwind

I had a picture when I was praying recently of a whirlwind and in the whirlwind were people and houses. The whirlwind was fast and destructive but in the centre of the whirlwind in the place I identified as prayer there was peace and sanctuary from the storm even as it continued. Then I saw that as people prayed other people in the whirlwind also came into a place of peace and refuge and they were built into a tower a place of safety.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land” (NIV).

As Christians we have not always spoken up for the oppressed or supported the poor. As a nation we have consumed and now we are being consumed by debt, addiction, suspicion and fear, and as we have pursued the material others have pursued us. I feel like I have been asleep and am waking up to a reality that I could have challenged and spoken up earlier as I have been part of the problem and I need God to help me be part of the solution. Father have mercy for I have sinned. The sin of ommision is indeed great. You gave me gifts and I have not spoken. I have been quiet. I have hidden my light under a bushel for fear of rejection. I have chosen the road of comfort and not rocking the boat. I have chosen to remain silent rather than speak up for what I believe in even when this is ridiculed and challenged. I have been challenged to get out of my religious ghetto and serve people in my community as the opportunity arises. To move amongst the crowd not in fear but in love. To listen to their stories as well as sharing my own. New beginnings but trusting God and leaning not on my own understanding, acknowledging him for it is him that directs my path.

In the last year my household has experienced redundancy, illness and other shakings. Yet God has helped us and is helping us through this storm. The Lord is indeed a strong tower. The righteous run in and they are safe.